Determined to lose weight? Hypnosis may be your key to success!

Here in Australia, we’re only a few months away from the warmer, Summer weather. This is often the time we start to feel the urge to eat healthier and want to shed some of those excess kilos that winter has gifted us!

For some people, this is a relatively easy thing to do. But for others, this is a tough ask. Those bad eating habits, emotional eating, lack of motivation to exercise, poor food choices and no clear goal in mind can make weight loss an impossible task.

You may say, “I’ll start tomorrow.” or “I’ll begin on Monday.” and yet it never eventuates.

If you’re stuck in these cycles, then you need guidance out of these habits in order to be successful. You need a key to unlock new doors and begin a new way of life. If you’re ready to change then hypnotherapy can be the spark that ignites your weight loss journey! It makes change so much easier!

In hypnosis, we can connect directly with the subconscious mind. We can identify and change any old beliefs that are holding you back, keeping you stuck in your old ways.

We can work on building a clear image of how you want to be and help you find ways to get there. When we work directly with the subconscious mind, change happens far more easily. We see results more quickly than when working with the conscious mind alone.

Photo by Gerd Altmann on

Are you ready to start your weight loss journey?
Are you serious about getting results?

If you answered yes, then click here!

Namaste, Janine

Published by Mindful Hypnotherapy and Wellness

Hi! I'm a clinical hypnotherapist, massage therapist, yoga and meditation teacher. I study and practice Buddhism and am always learning more about the mind. I live in the beautiful Gold Coast Hinterlands and love to relax and chill out in nature. Namaste xx

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